Invitation to the garden

Historic, hidden, lost, inaccessible, rediscovered, unexpected, invented gardens…

Historic gardens of various kinds, passionately researched and restored when possible for the enjoyment of those who love history, art and nature.

Others are hidden, well concealed behind the facades of Baroque palaces.

Some gardens that were there centuries ago are unfortunately lost and exist only more in ancient pictures reproduced in the book.

There are inaccessible gardens, where usually you cannot enter since they belog to convents.

Others are rediscovered, with the patient and tenacious work of so many experts and enthusiasts, who have revived amazing gardens such as those at the Royal Palace of Venaria Reale.

You will find unexpected gardens, such as the one inside the Lingotto, Fiat’s second factory built in 1920.

You certainly wouldn’t expect to find a garden with exotic plants inside a former factory of cars.

Other gardens are invented because they are built where once there were none, but obtained by trying to recreate a garden as it was done in the Middle Ages.

An itinerary this you can travel while sitting comfortably in an armchair.

And admiring precious pictures and perhaps enjoying one of the ancient recipes offered in the book.



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Historic garden of various type: some of them are unfortunately lost and only live in some ancient documents.

Some are thankfully brought back to new life through patient recovery work.

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